See also substitute noun US short for substitute teacher: a teacher who replaces teachers who are absent from work: subspecies c : with repetition (as of a process) so as to form, stress, or deal with subordinate parts or relations sublet subcontract 3 : less than completely, perfectly, or normally : somewhat subacute subclinical 4 a : almost : nearly suberect b : falling nearly in the category of and often adjoining : bordering on subarctic Synonyms Noun (1) sub- a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin (subject subtract subvert subsidy) on this model, freely attached to elements of any origin and used with the meaning “under,” “below,” “beneath” (subalpine substratum), “slightly,” “imperfectly,” “nearly” (subcolumnar subtropical), “secondary,” “subordinate” (subcommittee subplot). Sub noun (REPLACEMENT) short for substitute: a sports player who is used for part of a game instead of another player: One of the players was injured during the match, so a sub was brought on.

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