Every detail has been painstakingly crafted to bring you the most authentic piano experience ever on iOS. Our goal was to emulate all aspects of the 275's detailed voice using the latest sampling technology and let this amazing piano speak with clarity.

This one-of-a-kind concert grand has been recreated using nearly 17,000 samples and 4 discrete microphones, controlled from an easy to use interface. The final result delivers crystal clear hammer attacks, staccato release trails, and much more. Ravenscroft 275 is one of these rare instruments. The acoustic Ravenscroft grand has an incredibly deep response in voicing and volume which youll feel in Ravenscroft 275 and can be customized for a variety of controllers. For custom control, you can adjust the MIDI velocity response and volume curve independently. Official Site Sweetwater Guitar Center Amazon. Ravenscroft 275 is designed to feel great with any keyboard right out of the box. The same quest for the highest fidelity sounds has spurred the deep sampling and meticulous capturing of this piano for the app. Keyscape by Spectrasonics Most Versatile. The origins of this virtual instrument lie in the masterfully crafted Ravenscroft 275 Titanium Grand Piano - made of 1,000 year old sitka spruce wood with solid titanium string termination points and precise, responsive CAD optimized action. Launch the app and access the gorgeous tone of this one-of-a-kind concert grand from your iPhone or iPad.

Our goal was to reproduce all aspects of the 275’s detailed voice using the latest sampling technology and let this amazing piano speak with clarity. 0 Financing and Free Shipping on thousands. This one-of-a-kind concert grand piano has been recreated using nearly 17,000 samples and 4 separate microphones, all controlled via an easy-to-use interface. Experience the splendor of a Ravenscroft Grand with the most realistic sounding piano ever created for iOS. Buy the VI Labs Ravenscroft 275, Revenscroft 275 Grand Piano Sample Library download at Full Compass Systems.